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Gamertag GinoPlenti

The End - RogoAbel

Gamertag - Liner1979

Psycho Mantis - Dieg0CP

Gamertag - Dietay

????????? - Kain

Gamertag - Kain SirKoT


Johnny - GinesMayorLopez

Gamertag - Gines55

The Boss - Sweetshewolf

Gamertag - SniperWolf1912

Big Boss - MartinMolleda

Gamertag - Martynyus

Gray Fox - BlackIronSnake

Gamertag - IronSnake1993

Ocelot - PachecusPrime

Gamertag - PachecusPrime

Solid Snake - JuanjoAssassin

Gamertag - JuanjoAssassin

Naked Snake - benzin666

Gamertag - benzin 666

Raiden - JackRaiden90

Gamertag - Jackraiden90

Liquid Snake - DDeathStroke

Gamertag - ItachiSTP


Not Your Kind of People -

Vamp - Polux1980

Gamertag Polux1980

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